About Us
The Bisonette Drill Team evolved over time. In 1927 Sunset Heritage Pep was formed to help cheer on the football team. They wore uniforms and had no other name except "The Pep Squad". In 1941 the pep squad evolved into the Sunset Sunrays equipped with boots and hats. It wasn't until 1952 that the group was named the "Sunset Bisonettes" lead by Director Ms. Maureen Hearn and Captain Judy Moon.
The Bisonettes went through many changes through the years including directors, uniforms, and style of dance. The Bisonettes of today are linked to the Bisonettes of yesterday in preserving the precision, etiquette and dedication of what it truly means to be a Sunset High School Bisonette.
Currently the Bisonettes perform at Football Games, Pep Rallies, Parades, Competitions, and other various events. They end the year with their annual Bisonette Spring Show.
Contact the Director, Leah Longoria Huggins, at LHUGGINS@DALLASISD.ORG for more information or performance requests.